Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Symptoms Of High Estrogen Levels Low Progesterone/high Estrogen Symptoms. Going For Tests Today. What Will The Doctor Suggest And Will It Help?

Low progesterone/high estrogen symptoms. Going for tests today. What will the doctor suggest and will it help? - symptoms of high estrogen levels

I'm TTC (trying to get pregnant), and discovered that my luteal phase is only five days or less and can have problems with ovulation. My doctor suggested I come with hormone tests today. After discussions with my friends and tracking cycles, I'm sure I'm a high estrogen / progesterone levels low. If so, what the doctor recommends that treatment? I ask because I am terrible symptoms, which was on a level of estrogen in combination. I had these problems since I was 10th If I can design, is the possibility that my doctor, I still receive some kind of progesterone after pregnancy, so my symptoms do not return? If it helps, what are the symptoms that I can due to low progesterone.

* Introduction to the ages of 10 years
Did not * Big breasts, small frame, the shape of an hourglass with a gain of 20 pounds, especially in the stomach / chest in my early 20's when my diet changed
* Stop working Terrible painful period cramps - because they
* Stomach problems with the diagnosis of IBS
* Diagnosis Endometriosis
* Luteal period of 5 days or less
* Always tired, but with an increased chance (significant) power for about three days before my period?
* Cold hands / feet
* Possible hypothyroidism
* Increased heart rate (about 90-100 bpm)
* Sexual Appetite
* Very emotional, sometimes depressed for no reason

Sorry if this is TMI ... I thought it might be important, however. As you can see, most of these symptoms are very difficult to live. I feel like progesterone cream or something that helps when I am TTC. I asked, basically, what will the doctor for me if I am not TTC. Thank you for reading my long post!

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