Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Free Ativan In Ottawa Has Anyone With Type 1 Biploar Ever Been Able To Completely Get Off Meds And Stay Symptom Free?

Has anyone with type 1 biploar ever been able to completely get off meds and stay symptom free? - free ativan in ottawa

I am on Lamictal 300 mg
Ativan 2 mg
1 xenical mg

I have a chance?

What were your methods? Any tips?


killin_l... said...

Jesus HUN haha ... see these documents ... Yes u can of medications ... everyone is bipolar, do not let them do u think ur nuts ... the normal state ... u havent learned that mean that vibrates wat u ... My method was to make drugs safer ... More documents ... and learning about me ... there will be problems, but that's how life is ... I was in a series of anti-psychotic, anti stabalizer depressed mood and was really 9 months in drug and drool over me ... Thank God, my father helped me get em ... OFFA u find someone who can talk and talk until blue in the face or up UR u feel better ... this is the key

killin_l... said...

Jesus HUN haha ... see these documents ... Yes u can of medications ... everyone is bipolar, do not let them do u think ur nuts ... the normal state ... u havent learned that mean that vibrates wat u ... My method was to make drugs safer ... More documents ... and learning about me ... there will be problems, but that's how life is ... I was in a series of anti-psychotic, anti stabalizer depressed mood and was really 9 months in drug and drool over me ... Thank God, my father helped me get em ... OFFA u find someone who can talk and talk until blue in the face or up UR u feel better ... this is the key

doug k said...

In my experience with my own bipolar disorder I, the answer is no.

Good luck and everything you do!

jackie said...

From everything I each and everything I read has said that the answer, unfortunately not. You can spend months at a time without experienced a manic episode, but you have to take medication to stabilize his mood.

falulatx said...

I'm not bipolar type 1 diagnosed, I was bipolar rapid cycling, but I think you can get medication and work in your situation. But experience, in my experience, the symptoms again. I have a lot of drugs and was also work in the situation. I thought the treatment worse than the disease. With the help of my husband and doctor to take medication safely and enjoyed a normal life for most, the last two years. I still have consequences (usually) every 5-6 months, but they are manageable and not longer than one week. Have a very stable home and the relationship to help me keep the symptoms at home. In addition, because there comes a day in May, when I should be even with the medicine, and this helps me to cope with. Good luck - and remember to take things one day at a time.

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