Sunday, December 13, 2009

Stomach Sitting Videos Will I Get A Flatter Stomach By May 30th By Doing All This?

Will I get a flatter stomach by May 30th by doing all this? - stomach sitting videos

I went to a party and want to get a flatter stomach, because we go swimming. I'm not fat, but I just want to look extra good in a swimsuit. This is what I do every day:
1. For breakfast I had a slim fast shake and strawberries.
2. For lunch I had salad and a protein bar, sometimes the flesh than twelve.
3. For dinner, I have what I normally do, but in small portions.
* No snacks. I drink water and tea.

Working out:
1. Forty minutes of work whole-VIDEO OUT
2. Sit ups
3. The other thing from, but idk what it is, I think I did, but it works.
4. Jog
5. Walking

I started this routine, there are about three days and go to 30 May Is that enough to get a small flat belly? Thank you.

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